0755-28137033-832【Product characteristics】Stainlesssteelarctableneedsinternalgrinding,anodicoxidationofaluminiumplateandpincombinationwithaccuracyof0.02mm.Therawmaterialsusedincludeplastic,copper,aluminum,stainlesssteel,ironandothermaterials....
Stainless steel arc table needs internal grinding, anodic oxidation of aluminium plate and pin combination with accuracy of 0.02mm.
The raw materials used include plastic, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, iron and other materials.
The company's existing machinery and equipment are: CNC processing center, wire cutting, electric spark machine, milling machine, automatic lathe, grinder, drilling machine, punch, hydraulic press, injection molding machine, etc., can win the market for customers in the shortest time.